Civics: Your Voice Matters
Diane Bulan
Youth who recall high-quality civic education in school are more likely to form political opinions and be informed voters at 18, according to Long-time KCYA teaching artist Diane Bulan will lead students through acting and improvisation to discuss and vote on issues the students find important.
To schedule this program please contact us at 816-531-4022 or by email at
Grade Levels: 7,8,9,10,11,12
Fees: $127 single, $109 each for 2 or more on the same day / The break between workshops must not exceed 90 minutes to receive the reduced rate. Title 1 Schools may qualify for funding assistance.
Maximum Audience Size: 30
Program Length: 45 minutes
Requirements: Approximately 10 x 20 area for stage, can be anywhere from classroom to a gym. Teachers must be present at all times during workshop.
Curriculum Connections: