Full STEAM Ahead!

STEAM Dream Team

This seminar is available in person or virtually SYNCHRONOUS (live).


Choreography, like coding, is an algorithm, or a set of instructions. This kinesthetic professional development session is interactive as it merges coding and technology with physical activities and movement, and leads participants through a process where they create a short, simple dance that illustrates the connections. Kim Ratliff and Harlan Brownlee, introduce participants to movement strategies that can be immediately taken back to the classroom. This session demonstrates the connections between choreography, variables, and the algorithm and draws parallels to 21st Century learning skills, commonly referred to as the 4 C’s of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.


Please come dressed in loose, comfortable clothing and be prepared to move.


Learning Objectives:

- Understand the relationship between choreography and coding, given that both are algorithms or sets of specific steps using variables.
- Make the connections with an arts integrated approach and developing the essential 21st Century skills of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.
- Appreciate dance and other art forms as viable methods to help students achieve higher level thinking skills.


To schedule this program please contact us at 816-531-4022 or by email at booknow@kcya.org.


Grade Levels: Teachers

Fees: $1000 / customized seminars (fees & lengths) are available on request

Maximum Audience Size: 30

Availability: Year round

Program Length: 3 hours

Location: At Your School

Requirements: Large, cleared space; chairs arranged in a semi-circle; projector that's compatible with PC HDMI connection; screen or wall for projector; access to electrical outlet for PC & projector; flip chart & markers; handouts for participants.

Curriculum Connections: